If you follow my blog you know how much I adore this image....I even picked it as my favorite for 2009. I love it so much I entered it into a photo challenge themed "hands" this week, hosted by iheartfaces blog. If you are a photographer, or just like to be inspired by beautiful photography, it is a great blog to follow. Each week they have a new photo challenge topic, and ANYONE can enter, so whether you are a pro, or a Mom who loves taking pictures you should check it out :)! Wish me luck!!
Great image! And greetings from another WA photographer :)
Wow. That is absolutely beautiful.
I can see why it's your fav. :)
This is one of those shots that speak a 1,000 words. I love how you've captured the diversity in the family.
I love it...wonderful picture! I love the different colors :-)!
oh my stars how I love, love, love this entry!
Gorgeous! I love the composition and the contrast!
Oh my gosh Shannon. I LOVE love LOVE love LOVE this picture. Wow. It is amazing. And it says so much. Perfection! : )
Thank you so much, what a warm welcome to my first photo challenge. I am so excited about I heart faces, and have a lot of catching up to do on all of the past entries! Thank you for stopping by and commenting! I truly love this family, and their beautiful hands :)!
WOW! That is a beautiful image! :)
Awesome! I can see why you love it so much.
Wow! This is a really great photo! I can see why you chose it as your favorite! Best of luck in the challenge!
Great shot! :) Very striking.
This photo is so, SO wonderful in so many ways!
Love, love. love t!!!
Such beautiful colours in this shot! I see why it's your favorite.
That is a great shot, and good luck!
This 100% needs to win. Absolutely. Hands down (get it?) :-) I LOVE it - what a beautiful picture of love and family and the way things should be! :-)
Such a beautiful photograph!
Lovely, lovely, lovely. So many layers of embrace and love. A beautiful take on the family portrait. The hands tell more than the faces. And of course this is just perfection for this week’s theme.
I LOVE this pic!
Really is a special photo!
This is an amazing picture! I love that it includes more then just 1 or 2 people :) Great job!!
truly beautiful!!!
Ditto what's been said. I LOVE this photo too. You're so going to win!
A lovely post!!!
Incredibly moving image! You should be the winner this week - definitely! LOVE, LOVE, LOVE this beautiful portrait!
Lovely image.
Amazing! I love the colors. This photo speaks more than 1000 words!
Wow, you did a beautiful job! Great capture!
Beautiful shot!!!
I have two words.........
Seriously, this is a beautiful image!!♥
gosh! how beautiful is that! i love her little baby rolls on her arm, too :) so sweet!
my hand shot is posted, too. feel free to come on over and visit anytime :).
This picture is GORGEOUS on so many levels! Thanks for sharing.
This is gorgeous!
Beautiful shot! I love it! I'll have to poke around your blog some more :)
I love this photo. Sweet baby hands on top of mommy's and daddy's.
this is amazing.
Beautiful capture! A winner in my eyes!
Awww! I love this!
Beautiful picture in deed! I can say why it was your favourite! Very, VERY nice! Good luck!
Awesome photo!
LOVE it, and of course GOOD LUCK!
OMG I love this shot. AMAZNG!! I hope you win! It is my favorite of all the photos so far!
I have a quick question...what font did you use in your menu bar of the blog? love it. I am looking for a good cursive font.
again, best image of all the HANDS photos!
I cannot say how much I love this. So beautiful and a true American family photo. LOVE LOVE LOVE!
I love this picture so much too! Thanks Shannon and good luck!!
Oh, how I love this!
great colors and such a crisp image. This is great!
Just a few words that come to mind:
*sigh* love this shot!
seriously you guys I am just overwhemed by all of the amazing posts and comments. i wish i had time to go through all 450 entries, i will do my best :)!
What a BEAUTIFUL photograph. I love the creativity and of course all the colors. And your execution...how in the world is your picture so crisp and clear, yet silky smooth?! I LOVE IT!
Beautiful! a photo to be proud of
This is an amazing picture!
Stunningly beautiful!
I love the diversity of the hands in this image! Great photo!
So beautiful! Thanks for sharing...
Amazing!! Love it. A winner for me. Tells a beautiful story.
This photo is AMAZING! It is so beautiful! Thank you for sharing.
such vibrant color contrast. great shot, perfect for this week at iheartfaces!
Beautiful image :)
Thanks for stopping by my blog, it led me to yours and this stunning photo...it is now one of my favorites too!
Oh. WOW...that's just gorgeous.
Really like this- I can just keep looking at it.
I love this!
wow..just so pretty
absolutely LOVE the diversity
FANTASTIC CAPTURE! it's perfection! oh, and i love your blog banner...
Very gorgeous and captivating!
That is my favorite! What a beautiful image! LOVE it! :)
Very unique! I love it!
Beautiful! Great shot!
That is beautiful!
I love your blog banner!
This pictures is wonderful on so many levels. No doubt treasured by the hands that are embraces!
i LOVE this! what a beautiful photo.
Lovely. It tells such a story. I also believe that so much more can be told by the shape, angles, and expression of the gesture.
Definitely a favorite! Congrats!
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