Tuesday, February 10, 2009

Back to the Planned Firsts!!

So, back to the original first that I planned on sharing before Mr. B stole the spotlight....Littlest Mr. B (seriously, I didn't intentionally have all the men in my life have names that start with B!!) is a full on walker! He has been one for a while but I have been so busy I haven't had time to get any good shots of him in action. He is enjoying his new mobility, and I am enjoying it less and less as it requires my mobility to increase a few notches....UGH!! He is such a joy in our lives, and I can't and DON'T want to remember our lives without him in it!!

I realize this shot doesn't even show him in action, but stay tuned because I am planning on doing a session with just him very soon!!

This shot is a sneak peek at our third first, which I still need to get pictures of :)!!


Anonymous said...

So cute. Love the helmet shot!

MariePhotographie said...

Super duper cute! It's fun to see pictures of your kiddos, and I just love how sharp your images are. :)

JamieVB said...

It's amazing how fast they grow up. littlest b is such a sweet boy. I just love his big smile!

Shalie said...

His hair is so light! I can't believe he's a full on walker. Oh, how cute. Miss your kids like crazy.

Hailey's Helpful Hints said...

STOP him from growing up!! He already looks so different from when we saw him at Christmas. Did you put sun-in in his hair? Haha! So you are cool with him jumping on that bike of Benny's huh? Did your hubby go through a mid-life alittle early?? :)

ohmomma said...


Spirit's Breeze Photography personal blog said...

VERYYY cute. I dread the walking days which are fast approaching *sigh*