Friday, June 26, 2009

A Perfect Example!!

Mr. and Mrs. L are the perfect example of holding a pose despite what is going on around them :)!! They and I have learned from experience that a lot of times it is better for parents to smile and hold their pose and let me get the attention of the kids. This allows me to focus on the kids, and I know Mom and Dad are going to look great in pretty much every frame.

Now if we can just get that finger out of the nose :)!!

Click, we got it!!


Shalie said...

What a cute family. The last one turned out really well of everyone!

MariePhotographie said...

haha, so true! It's so funny (and I'm sure I do it too) when the parents respond to cooing and such with cheesy smiles. Looks like mom and dad didn't fall for it!

What an entertaining behind-the-scenes photo and a beautiful final product!